With hundreds of units operating to build upon the SWIFT206R (R – remanufactured) restores the structural integrity, operational characteristics and performance of any prior Polecat. The process replaces any compromised structural elements including main frame panels, main frame fuel tank and hydraulic cross tubes, rebuilds the platform including its floor, columns, joystick control box and provision for DOT approved lamps to towing. Boom pin tubes may need replacement. Steer spindle bearing tubes have been replaced on units worn well past bearing replacement. A boom steadyrest structural upgrade is generally included.
Compromised hydraulic components are replaced as well as all hosing. Failed or compromised electric components are replaced including all wiring when necessary. Certain electrical upgrades related to safe operation are included. Safety system operation is restored. The engine is generally replaced with new.
All metal structural elements are sandblasted to bare metal, cleaned, powder coat primed and powder coat topcoat applied. Wheels are tires are replaced with new. Older drive configurations are replaceable with current drive designs for better part availability and performance improvement.
The remanufactured lift is essentially new based on the renewed original structure and current component parts all under a comprehensive warranty.